Aware Expert

Welcome to the editorial catalog "Aware Expert" with the best JS experts, who knows TypeScript, React, Angular, NodeJS and more!

If you want to see the actual information about famous JS experts in various technologies including React, Angular, NodeJS that's the right place for you!

We have a list of experts and useful references.

It's about real legends who created a modern Web as we know it.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer Consultant, Trainer, and Author

More about Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer is a well-known consultant, trainer, author and an expert in various web technologies, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Node.js, and more. He has contributed to several open source projects and has authored multiple books on web development topics.

"Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers" is a series of books written by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer that aim to provide in-depth coverage of JavaScript topics for programmers. The series covers a wide range of topics from the basics of the language to advanced features and techniques. The books are designed to be comprehensive yet easy to follow, with plenty of examples and clear explanations. The series includes books such as "Exploring ES6," "Exploring ES2016 and ES2017," and "Tackling TypeScript."

Each book is represented as the javascript book which anyone could use for free as online website!

You could buy and download a book as a pdf here.


Wes Bos Web Developer, Instructor, and Entrepreneur

More about Wes Bos

Wes Bos is a prominent web developer, instructor, and entrepreneur. He is well-versed in JavaScript, React, Node.js, CSS, HTML, and Git. He is the creator of the popular "JavaScript30" course, which teaches participants how to code in vanilla JS for 30 days, and the "React For Beginners" course, which introduces students to building React applications from scratch. Bos is also the author of "Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL", which teaches advanced full-stack application development with React and GraphQL. Bos maintains a strong online presence through his website, Twitter, and GitHub accounts, and is highly regarded in the web development community for his expertise and contributions.

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Jake Archibald Developer Advocate at Google

More about Jake Archibald

Jake Archibald is a Developer Advocate at Google for Google Chrome, specializing in web technologies such as JavaScript, Web APIs, and Performance Optimization. Jake is well-known for his expertise in Service Workers and Progressive Web Apps.

Jake shares his knowledge and insights through engaging talks at conferences and online platforms.
He is also an author of articles, contributing to Google Developers and other publications.

With a keen interest in web standards, browser internals, and web performance, Jake actively contributes to the advancement of the web development community.

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Remy Sharp A developer running his own business called Left Logic

More about Remy Sharp

Remy Sharp is a prominent front-end developer, author, and speaker who is well-known for his expertise in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and related technologies. He has contributed to numerous open-source projects and has authored several popular web development books. As a speaker, Remy has delivered talks at conferences around the world, sharing his knowledge and insights with fellow developers.

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Christian Heilmann Developer, Trainer, and Author

More about Christian Heilmann

Christian Heilmann was a senior program manager at Microsoft and a well-known advocate for web development and accessibility. He has expertise in JavaScript, web APIs, and accessibility, and is also a strong supporter of community building and public speaking. He is skilled in software development methodologies such as Agile and version control, and has experience working with popular technologies such as React, Node.js, and Webpack.

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Matt Pocok Educator, content creator and engineer

More about Matt Pocok

Matt Pocok initially worked as a voice coach before switching into software development world, including positions at Vercel and Stately. As for the current time, Matt is fully focused on teaching TypeScript, primarily through his platform Total TypeScript. That course aims to transform beginners into TypeScript "wizards" by covering everything from beginner basics to advanced patterns and generics.

Matt is also very active in social media as X (Twitter) and YouTube.

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Phil Nash Developer advocate for Sonar

More about Phil Nash

Phil Nash is a Developer at Sonar specializing in NodeJS, Ruby, JavaScript, GraphQL, and DevOps. With a strong background in web development and a keen interest in APIs and continuous integration, Phil actively shares his knowledge at conferences like API World and DevOpsCon.

Phil is known for his engaging talks that cover topics such as building better APIs with GraphQL and leveraging continuous integration for faster development.

Phil maintains a strong online presence through his website, where he shares valuable resources and blog posts, and actively engages with the developer community on social media platforms like Twitter and GitHub.

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David Walsh Senior Software Engineer at MetaMask

More about David Walsh

David Walsh is an expert in front-end technologies, particularly HTML/5, CSS, and JavaScript, including frameworks like jQuery, MooTools, and Dojo Toolkit. He also has server-side skills in PHP and Python. Additionally, he has a keen interest in mobile development and exploring cutting-edge devices and environments.

David Walsh emphasizes the importance of open source contribution and evangelism, recognizing the vast possibilities and rewards they offer to dedicated developers. His approach to learning web technologies involves a philosophy of experimentation, embracing failure as a part of the learning process. He believes in constantly iterating, fixing mistakes, and learning from them. While acknowledging the value of reading books, David encourages hands-on experience with debugging and actively experimenting with the technologies one needs to learn.

Furthermore, David advocates for an open-minded approach, advocating the use of tools outside one's usual comfort zone. He believes in persistence and never giving up, consistently pushing the boundaries of knowledge and skill in web technologies.

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Eric Elliott Software Engineer

More about Eric Elliott

Eric Elliott is a software engineer, author, and speaker. He specializes in JavaScript, React, Node.js, and functional programming. Eric has authored several books, including "Programming JavaScript Applications" and "Composing Software". He is also known for his courses on Frontend Masters, such as "JavaScript: The Hard Parts" and "Functional-Light JavaScript". Eric is passionate about writing, teaching, and contributing to open source projects.

Latest Tweets by  Eric Elliott

Brian Rinaldi Developer Experience Engineer at LaunchDarkly

More about Brian Rinaldi

Brian Rinaldi is a Developer Experience Engineer at LaunchDarkly with over 20 years experience, specializing in web development technologies such as JS, Node.js, React.

Brian is passionate about serverless architecture and actively contributes to the developer community through his writing and speaking engagements. Brian is known for his informative articles published in notable publications like Smashing Magazine and DEV Community.
With a strong presence on social media platforms, Brian Rinaldi shares his insights and experiences with fellow developers, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the industry.

Latest Tweets by  Brian Rinaldi

Kent C. Dodds JavaScript software engineer and teacher

More about Kent C. Dodds

Kent C. Dodds is a world-renowned JavaScript expert, open source advocate, and teacher. He's the creator of the popular open source libraries Testing Library and React Testing Library, and he's a frequent speaker at conferences and meetups around the world. Kent is known for his expertise in testing, React, and front-end development.

Latest Tweets by  Kent C. Dodds

John Papa Developer Advocate for Microsoft

More about John Papa

John Papa is a Principal Developer Advocate at Microsoft, focused on web development, developer tools, and front-end architecture. He is an expert in Angular, TypeScript, JavaScript, and Node.js, and is passionate about building scalable JavaScript applications. John is also a prolific author, speaker, and instructor, with a strong presence in the developer community through his website, GitHub profile, and Pluralsight courses.

Latest Tweets by  John Papa

Elijah Manor Senior Front-End Web Developer

More about Elijah Manor

Elijah Manor is a Senior Front-End Web Developer at Planview, specializing in JavaScript, React, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. With a deep understanding of web development and a passion for front-end architecture, Elijah shares his expertise through engaging talks at conferences like ReactConf and WebPerfConf. He is known for his insightful presentations on mastering React Hooks and optimizing performance in modern web applications.

Elijah Manor is a highly experienced and knowledgeable Senior Front-End Web Developer. In this role, he serves as a dedicated senior person for developers, helping them navigate the ever-evolving world of technology. With his deep understanding of web development and extensive expertise in JavaScript, React, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS, Elijah is well-equipped to provide valuable insights and guidance to fellow developers.

Elijah is passionate about front-end architecture and performance optimization, constantly exploring new techniques and strategies to enhance the development process and create high-performing web applications.

Elijah is known for his engaging and informative talks at various conferences, such as ReactConf and WebPerfConf. He covers topics ranging from mastering React Hooks to optimizing performance in modern web applications.

Latest Tweets by  Elijah Manor

Addy Osmani Engineering Manager

More about Addy Osmani

Addy Osmani is an engineering manager at Google working on Chrome and Web Platform. He is the author of the popular book, 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns,' and maintains a number of open-source projects, including Lighthouse, a performance auditing tool for the web.

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